RADIO RELEASE: "Hard work, dedication, and the love of beer" - secret of brewery's success (with audio clips)
Brú Brewery from Co Meath win the Grand Prix at the Blacknight SME Awards
A County Meath brewery swept the boards at the Blacknight SME Awards last night in Cork.
Brú Brewery from Trim took the prize in three categories, as well as the Grand Prix.
Over 80 companies were represented in the final shortlists, and awards were presented in 15 categories, including Family-Run and Community-Minded,
Michele [say: Mi-Kay-Lay] Neylon of Blacknight presented the award to Philip Markey from Brú Brewery, who revealed the secret of their success:
CLIP: bru-clip2.mp3
BEGINS: "Hard work and dedication ..."
OUT-CUE: “... we soldier on”
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