RADIO NEWS: 80 Companies in Blacknight SME Awards Final in Cork [with AUDIO]
Awards celebrate the "local heroes" of Irish business, whose community ties run deep
Over 80 companies are finalists in the second annual Blacknight SME Awards, being held in Cork this weekend.
Hosted by RTE presenter Rick O’Shea, the event honours the achievements of local entrepreneurs in 15 categories, including Family Business, Under 30s, and Community Minded.
Web hosting company Blacknight is sponsoring the event. Its CEO, Michele Neylon [say: Mi-Kay-Lay Neylon], says Irish SMEs are the lifeblood of their communities.
CLIP: SME_Awards-mneylon-2016-04-15-clip1.mp3
BEGINS: "You take a small business ..."
OUT-CUE: “... whatever length or period of time that might be”
About Blacknight
Blacknight ( are an Irish based, ICANN accredited domain registrar and hosting company. Recipients of several awards for their revolutionary use of social media, Blacknight are one of Europe’s most cutting edge Internet companies. Blacknight constantly seek to lead the way by introducing innovative solutions for its client base and provide dedicated servers and co-location as well as a comprehensive range of Microsoft Windows and Linux based hosting services and domain name registration services to business globally. IP transit services and other solutions for more demanding business and academic customers are offered a la carte. Fibre broadband services for both business and domestic users are also available throughout most of Ireland.